Your Amery Woman’s Club Board

Front Row: Co-President: Mary Davis, Val Herpst-Board member, Julie Andersen-Board member
Second Row: Secretary: Pam Wiegand, Nell Anderson-Board member, Co-President: Sue Kugler, Vice President: Dana Lochner, Treasurer: Kathy Hetzel

Pictured l-r Shirley Klopotek with 50 year members Gerri Bienaisz, Susan Johnson, and Vonnie Niccum
GFWC Collect
Keep us O God from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgement and always generous. Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene and gentle. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight forward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences. That in the big things in life, we are at one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all; and O Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
“I have a place to go once a month where I am lovingly greeted and my contributions are welcomed, and when I am not there, I am missed.
I am gathering a collection of friends that care about: a wholesome community, good schools, and meaningful work to benefit our community.
To learn about programs within our community and beyond that can be of benefit to me personally, and to our Amery community.”
1921-22 Alta Haney
1922-23 Mae Kennedy
1923-24 Virna Danielson
1924-26 Blance Erno Allison
1926-28 Mrs. C. Johnson
1928-30 Mrs. A.G. Thompson
1930-32 Minnie Ridihalgh
1932-34 Mrs. C.A. Johnson
1934-36 Minnie Johnson
1936-38 Ethel Matthews
1938-40 Winona Starkey
1940-42 Virna Danielson
1942-44 Thelma Mckinney
1944-46 Clarice Waterman
1946-48 Eleanor Johnson
1948-50 Ellen Erickson
1950-52 Ivadene Bergquist
1952-54 Esther Kremser
1954-56 Marie Ryder
1956-58 Irene Remund
1958-60 Jeanne Burman
1960-62 Marie Gnade
1962-64 Eleanor Johnson & Vivian Rasmussen
1964-66 Beverly Paulson
1966-68 Helen Shattuck & Susan Johnson
1968-70 Susan Johnson
1970-72 Adele Strearns
1972-74 Louise Damon
1974-76 Vonnie Niccum
1976-78 Lynn Sondreal
1978-80 Sue Gust
1980-82 DeEtte Leadholm
1982-84 Sue Clausen
1990-92 Norma Ginter
1984-86 Martha Kittel
1986-88 Diane Peterson & Doralu Lynch
1988-90 Vonnie Niccum
1992-1994 Gerri Bieniasz
1994-1996 JoAnn Johnson
1996-1998 Mickey Kappler
1998-2000 Sue Millermon
2000-2002 Audrey McNurlin
2002-2004 Gloria Bauer
2004-2005 Diane Taxdahl
2005-2008 Dorothy Hughes
2008-2010 Shirley Klopotek
2010-2012 Cheryl Bowman
2012-2014 Julie Riemenschneider
2014-2016 Julie Andersen
2016-2018 Nell Anderson
2018-2020 Joyce Schaefer
2020-2022 Nell Anderson
2022-2024 Julie Andersen
2024 - 2026 Mary Davis & Sue Kugler
Amery Woman’s Club Bylaw V allows for the formation of Standing Policies
These Policies are Guidelines for the functioning of The Amery Woman’s Club.
The Executive Committee shall adopt standing policies as determined necessary by the Executive Board. These policies deal with administrative matters and function under the umbrella of the organizations’ bylaws. Such policies may be adopted by a majority vote at any Executive Board meeting without previous notice, may be suspended by a majority vote, amended, or rescinded by a two-thirds vote.
- Sale or promotion of items at meetings - Club Members or guests who wish to sell or fund raise with members at meetings must receive permission from the executive board at a previous board meeting. This would include but not limited to: paddle sales, fifty-fifty sales, raffles, collections, promotional items, etc. The Executive Board wants to be considerate of our members and not overly request funding for AWC activities or committees.
- Fundraisers - Any fundraiser run by Club Members or committees that makes $100 or more needs to have 10% of the earnings remitted to the Club’s general revenue.
- Grants -Members are encouraged to secure funds, such as grants, for Club projects. Requests by Club Members or committees that plan to write a grant or request funds or goods from an outside source need to be discussed with the Treasurer before writing or
applying. The Treasurer must know who, what and how the money is going to be used before an application can be submitted. The Treasurer must receive a copy of the grant before application.
The Treasurer will info the Executive Board of grant application for the AWC. Amery Womans Club responsibility as a 501c3 is to maintain records of funds secured. - Committee Chairs - Committee Chairs shall serve a two-year term.
- Conference, Workshops, Convention Attendance - The Club administrative fees will pay the registration for Executive Board members to attend conferences, workshops, and/or conventions. Executive Board members can request reimbursement for travel when two or more are traveling together, at a rate of $.50 a mile. Overnight expenses for Executive Board can be considered if the convention is over 150 miles away. If no member from the Executive Board is able to attend the conference, workshop, or convention, the Executive Board may appoint Club Members to attend in their stead and Club Member may request registration reimbursement.
- Executive Board Removal - Removing a person from the Executive Board requires serious consideration. Accusations need to be substantiated. The Board member in question should have an opportunity to defend herself. If after hearing from all concerned parties, the Executive Board feels the Board member in question still needs to be relieved from her duties, the remaining Executive members must unanimously agree. The Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the vacant position until the next board election.
- Cares and Concerns Protocol- Upon the death of a member, honorary member, a spouse, significant partner, or child, the Amery Womans Club will send a card and a twenty- five dollar memorial donation to the Amery Public Library. A sympathy card will be sent for the death of other family members. Members with illnesses, hospitalizations, and other care needs will be sent cards of care and concern. Variations to this protocol would need to have full Executive Board support.
- Membership Meetings - If the restaurant charges the Club for the meal and a member has indicated they plan to come but they do not attend, that member will be charged for the meal.
- Officers - Sharing an office by at least two members shall be allowed. Terms and duties of that office follow those defined in the AWC Amended Articles dated 5/17/18 at Article IV.
- Voting via email - In the event that a decision requiring Board approval is needed and calling a Board meeting is not feasible, then the Board can vote via email. In addition, the Board has the ability to allow for the use of email voting by the general members. This would only be on an as needed basis in situations where the Board want to get maximum input on an issue or election.
September 11, 2018 Approved
August 26, 2019 Revised
July 6, 2020 Revised
April 10, 2023 Revised
July 13, 2023 Revised
Jan. 8,2024 Revised
March 11, 2024 Revised